Lanka Mineral Sands Limited values the safety and health of our employees, customers and the areas in which we operate and is committed to operating in a responsible manner which minimize our impact on the environment. We believe that continuous improvement in the areas of preserving the environment is fundamental to our ongoing business success.

  • We will not compromise on safety
  • We will comply with legislative requirements
  • We will work closely with our customers and provide them with best quality products
  • We will identify, assess and manage environmental, health and safety hazards, risks and impacts of our operations
  • We will promote continuous improvement practices
  • We will strive to use resources more efficiently by reducing, reusing and recycling waste products
  • We encourage and support our employees to make positive lifestyle changes
  • We will understand and work to meet the expectations of the community
  • We will provide appropriate training to employees and contractors to ensure environmental, health and safety issues and responsibilities are clearly understood.

Lanka Mineral Sands recognizes that extraction and processing of the earth's mineral resources must be accomplished in a manner that minimizes impacts on the environment and the community. The Company believes that stewardship with proper concern for the environment is an essential element of a successful business venture.

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